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Video Marketing

10 Tips for Creating a Great Landing Page Video

When a new visitor finds their way to your landing page you have a matter of seconds to capture their attention before they move on to another page.  Since you have on average 2-8 seconds to capture a visitors attention you need something that will standout and encourage them to stay longer—such as a landing page video.  Landing page videos not only capture people’s attention, but they appeal to our desire for instant gratification when surfing online.

Example of a Landing Page Video at

A landing page video will not only encourage your visitors to stay longer, but they can increase your conversion rates by an impressive 23%–which can result into some really great leads in a short amount of time.

While you can’t expect all of your videos to go viral and to turn your products or services into overnight hits, you can make a lasting impression by adding a video.  The success of video marketing is easily displayed by the success of YouTube—which is the 2nd largest search engine second only to Google.

To create a successful video there are a few key characteristics that will increase your odds of conversion.  By keeping the 10 tips below in mind when creating your landing page video you will can create a marketing campaign that produces significant results.

Tip #1 Create Multiple Videos

Regardless of your product or services you are sure to have different sectors within your target audience that you want to appeal to.  Since each sector has different wants and needs for the product and services you are selling, you want to create and market landing page videos that are designed with each sector of your target audience in mind.  For example if you are selling a product that is beneficial for home or business use, you should have one video showing how it can be used at home and another why it is valuable for businesses.

Tip #2 Keep It To The Point

When creating your landing page video avoid the temptation to overshare.  While your viewer is willing to spend more time watching a video than reading text, they still want to have the information they desire quickly.  Ideally your video should be between 45-90 seconds and the video should have a clear goal and a clear direction.

Example of a Landing Page video at

Tip #3 Add Visual Appeal

Instead of having a plain white landing page surrounded by colorful font, create a landing page video that is part of a page that has a full artistic design.  While it is always clear that you should watch a video on a landing page, it will feel more formal if the video and page are part of a cohesive design.  You still want to have clear headline and descriptive font, but everything on the page should feel as if it is part of the same thought process.

Tip #4 Cater To Your Customer

One of the largest mistakes made when creating landing page videos is focusing only on what you want to convey, instead of what your viewer is looking for.  If you find that you want to share more than you can fit into a 45-90 second video, it is a good sign that you need to create another video for your different target audiences.

Tip #5 Test Different Video Lengths

As mentioned above you may have a product that can be marketed for both home and business, or for significantly different types of customers.  While your video length needs to be for the most part short, you may want to have a longer and more detailed video for viewers that have more of an expertise in the product of service you are selling—but for your average viewers you can keep your videos short and sweet.

Tip #6 Quality Is Key

When video marketing was first born videos were a novelty and their quality was of little concern.  However with most businesses turning to YouTube and landing page videos to market their products and services, quality has become a larger priority.  Your video needs to have a clean and crisp picture, clear audio, a predetermined script, and can have rolling script or graphic art added to enhance its feel.  A quality video can be the vital difference between your viewers seeing you as professional and credible, or unorganized and fleeting.

Tip #7 Present Your Clear Value

When you create your video make sure that you clearly define what problem you are solving and what makes you stand apart from your competitors.  Once you have clearly stated what benefit you will be adding to their life your video needs to end with a clear call to action—an action that will turn your viewer into a conversion.

Video Analytics from

Tip #8 Analyze Your Results

One of the many advantages to online marketing with landing page videos, is that your video will produce clear measurable results.  You will be able to see how many people are viewing your video, your peak viewing times, and how many viewers turn into conversions.  To truly benefit from these statistics you must analyze your results so that you understand what works, and what doesn’t.  Like with all other types of marketing, the videos that work and speaks to your target audience this year, may not work next year.

Tip #9 Test Auto Play And Press To Play

When you design your landing page video you should test it with both auto play, where the video begins playing as soon as the viewer opens the page, or press to play where the viewer has to initiate starting the video.  While auto play frustrates some viewers, it may increase your conversions with some of your target audience.

Tip #10 Optimize Your Video

Once you have a high quality landing page you need to optimize it to ensure its success.  The easiest way to optimize your video is by adding it to your YouTube channel.  Not only will this make your video easier to share, but your video is 52 more likely to have a higher Google ranking than text with the same content.

The goal of your video landing page video is to expand your reach to your target audience.  With more than 7 billion consumers searching for products and services online, you will miss out on a significant amount of business is you do not join the world of online marketing.  With video marketing being the fastest growing trend in online marketing, you will stay ahead of the curve by creating a solid video marketing campaign.

Ryan Lindner

by Ryan Lindner

Creative Director You can find him on 

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