ExplanatoryVideos.com has done it again! We just completed our 3rd explainer video for Jenzabar. The fact that companies, like Jenzabar, keep coming back to ExplanatoryVideos.com for another video shows that they see the value and return of an explainer video. This particular video was done in an animated corporate style. When creating videos for companies we always take into consideration their style requests. Why? Because they know best which market they need to target. Check out the video below to see a great example of a corporate style video.
By gathering all the information we need from the team at Jenzabar our team was able to create an informative explainer video in under 90 seconds. Sometimes there is so much information that we have to weed out the facts – the most important ones. This involves a good amount of research. Therefore, when our creative team does research they will find out the what, why, and how working together with the client to make sure all hard-hitting facts are scripted. So…let’s break it down.
What is the service Jenzabar is providing?
Jenzabar is offering their clients an enrollment management (CRM) for continuing education.
What are the benefits of Jenzabar Higher Reach CRM?
- Clients have the time they need to stay on top of recruitment efforts from beginning to end of enrollment.
- Key data is captured to help measure and analyze campaign responses, campus visits and other key metrics.
- No more manual uploads. Using automated workflow-driven systems clients can create effective marketing campaigns.
- Connect with top prospects by extending your reach through online services, mobile apps, unlimited email broadcasts, and telemarketing campaigns.
- Through automated scheduling and built-in reminders clients will never miss another appointment.
- Via any mobile smart device clients can access their system anytime and anywhere.
Why is this service important to their clients needs?
The workforce that the clients of Jenzabar face today are increasing competition for students and corporate partners. Clients must seize opportunities to communicate with their students, prospective students and corporate contacts in a timely manner so that opportunities are not missed and they reach enrollment targets.
How will Jenzabar’s Higher Reach CRM application help their clients?
The application streamlines recruitment and enrollment process. They are provided more time and given the tools needed to produce effective marketing campaigns and personal communications. Also, their administrative tasks are simplified.

Corporate Animated Video
As you can see, copy “says” a lot more then an explainer video. That said -the beauty of an explainer video is that the information you don’t need (immediately to understand the service) is left out but at the same time your clients are left feeling informed of the service and caring about the benefits. More then likely they find out the background information as they see fit. Watch the video again and tell me it wasn’t easier and more enjoyable then reading this copy. We guarantee you will find it informative and understandable!
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And finally, for a great explainer video like Jenzabar’s 3rd explainer video, that is sure to increase engagement, contact ExplanatoryVideos.com. We will make sure to give you the best explainer video through animation and messaging – just as we did with Jenzabar.com and many other clients! We look forward to working with you!