ExplanatoryVideos.Com recently wrapped production on a video for Minervini Private Access (MPA). This service, spearheaded by Market Wizard, Mark Minervini helps investors win big and earn while they learn! Check out the animated explainer video below!
Our creative team had a blast crafting this animated corporate style explainer video with the team at MPA! From the get-go Mark Minervini was enthusiastic about his service and had clear ideas on how he wanted to get his message across. Our team focused on the needs of the market, the keys to MPA’s service and why investors of a leading caliber should sign up today.
What makes this service appealing to it’s users?
MPA promises that users “Earn While You Learn” and will trade with Mark – LIVE! They see his personal buys, sells and flash alerts in real-time, he provides them market commentary and general market strategy, they receive access to archive and current holdings, and Mark forwards alerts to their cell phone and tablet – ensuring investors stay on top of their game.
Mark also developed a winning strategy – Specific Entry Point Analysis® (SEPA). This is a highly disciplined stock trading strategy and is built on winning analysis of past stock market “Superperformers”.
How SEPA works:
“The SEPA® strategy focuses on identifying, company-by-company, the precursors of inefficient pricing in order to distinguish appropriate low risk/high reward entry points. Utilizing SEPA®, stocks displaying the potential for significant price appreciation are identified and pinpointed. This proven technology consistently highlights many of the best investment ideas and stock market leaders before they’re widely recognized by Wall Street.” – Minervini Private Access
Using a process of profiling, this strategy compares and ranks stocks along with a key foundation of 5 building blocks (trend, fundamentals, catalyst, entry points and exit points) so users win big and get ahead of big hedge funds. Read more about the ins and outs of this strategy here.
There’s no doubt about it – this is an important educational tool for ALL investors!
Who is Mark Minervini?
Mark Minervini is a Wall Street veteran for nearly 30 years and one of the most successful stock traders of his time. Decade after decade, year after year, Mark has proven that the SEPA strategy leads investors (like himself) to win big! On January 3, 2012 he once again proved his “bull market” skills when he the S&P went on to rally 44 consecutive days without as much as 1% down day. Read about more of Mark’s big wins here.
Along with his own investing success – he is a leader. He has lead and taught already successful investors while often contributing his trading wisdom on T.V shows like CNBC, CNN, Bloomberg Television and Fox News. Mark advises hedge funds and institutional investors around the world!

Miner Vini Animation
Minervini Private Access Membership
Idea Generation – Through the MPA platform you stay connected with Mark during the trading day and see his buys and sells in real-time. This platform identifies low risk and high reward opportunities for you.
Training – Mark will answer your questions live through an on-line weekly training program. He will discuss his top picks, specific entry and exit techniques and conducts in-depth general market analysis.
Market Monitor – You stay informed with real-time flash alerts. View important stock market activity like breakouts, pullbacks buys and general market conditions.
Trading Logger TM – This software provides it’s users tools to track, analyze, optimize trading.
MPA has a proven strategy for investors to win big and bypass the heavy hitters of wall street. Allow MPA’s winning coach, Mark Minervini to help you earn while you learn!
Our advice…sign up today!