On April 1, news hit the wire that ANY Apple user can now create an ad campaign using its iAd Workbench, a mobile advertising tool. It is a great marketing opportunity for your product or service. Our team at ExplanatoryVideos.com can create an animated video production to be published with iAd Workbench.
That’s right, previously restricted to registered developers – now any person with an Apple ID can open an iAd Workbench account and create an ad campaign. This feature will make it simpler for advertisers, small and large, to create ads and great video productions for the platform.

iAd Video Production Service
Changes and benefits:
- Developers can include 30-60 second videos in an ad which will then be displayed full screen on an iPad and iphone. That’s an improvement on marketing, because before, ads were limited to less obtrusive banners that needed to be tapped before a video would play.
- A video will drive users to their websites and promote iTunes content.
- Users be able to view the ad in either portrait or landscape orientation.
- Video iAds are also able to be sent to viewers websites or promoted iTunes content, rather than just mobile apps.
- Ads are prices as CPM (cost per thousand impressions).
- Advertisers can create, price and target their campaigns, which will then go up to 24 in 48 hours.
With this update, small developers can take advantage of this marketing tool! An animated video production will benefit your product or service and produce the engagement it needs. We can create an animation for just about any app or video game created for the iPhone, iPad, or iOS ecosystems. The best way to show off your app, service, or product is with a cool and engaging animated video for iAd workbench. Contact ExplanatoryVideos.com to get started on an explainer video today!

Sara Narducci
Sara Narducci is a Associate Producer at ExplanatoryVideos.com
Find Sara on Google+
She is also an avid apple user so we can be certain she will using the iAd workbench herself. Check back soon for some real world examples of using animated video in the apple ecosystem. Also please leave any comments below and Sara will get back to you in a Jiffy