So what is the best way to let people know what your message is?
One word: Video.
What did you expect us to say? This is Explanatory Videos, after all. But we’re not the only ones who think video is the way of the future. Recent history has proven that people these days are obsessed with online video (see: YouTube, Hulu, Netflix). In fact, pretty much every respectable business out there has some sort of video posted to their front page, but is that enough?
The effectiveness of a video greatly relies on how memorable it is. If people don’t remember your video, how will they get the message? This is why an explanatory video needs to be more than just fancy animation and hip music, it needs to tell a good story.
Stories can stimulate the senses unlike other alternatives such as a power point presentation or simply stating facts. Someday when you grow old and sit on your porch outside with your grandson telling him stories, chances are they’re going to be the same stories that your grandpa told you. Humans love stories, that’s why we’ve been telling them for thousands of years. Today, people flock to good storytellers just so they can be part of the conversation. Stories can help your company leave a lasting impression on potential clients. Here are three ways you can tell a good story:

Use Emotion
Use Emotion
We remember a good tale because it makes our brain work, and we enjoy it. The more emotions involved, the more out brain is involved. Make your story funny, dramatic, epic, awkward, whatever! Of course, not every emotion can be in every story, but you get the point.
Have a point to the story
No one wants to listen to a long-winded speech, just to find out that it was pointless. In order to not waste viewers time, a story needs to have purpose. Most stories start out with a character who has an issue, or something that is missing in his/her life. The story should build to a climactic ending that will resolve the character’s issue or problem.

Keep it simple
Be simple
This final point can not be over-stressed. When we listen to stories, nobody wants to struggle to understand them. Given the brevity of most explanatory videos, there is no need to deviate from the main point. Make the objective clear and plain, period.
Marc Lindner is a Marketing Consultant here at
Connect with Marc on Google+
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