ExplanatoryVideos.com recently finished an explainer video for EmergeGroup.com. The video was done in an animated style. As with any script for a video we identify the problem and explain the solution when explaining a product. By creating a script this way, we allow the viewer to understand and relate with the solution. It’s always our goal that after watching the video the viewer will understand how the service will benefit the company. Check out the video below.
What’s Emerge all about?
“At Emerge Leadership Group, we help individuals understand how to make the transition from a Leader of Self to a Leader of Others, and, ultimately, a Leader of Leaders.”
Often the hard lesson to learn is that a leader is not created by a simple name change. While they may have the skills, they may be lacking key performance to really tackle their leadership roles.
“Over 75% of first-line leaders have failed to fully transition to their new role. Secondly, the direct reports of transitioned leaders significantly outperform their peers who report to non-transitioned leaders.”
With Emerge they will assess your company, use tools and workshops to focus on transitioning leaders – but it isn’t just leadership skill training – your company is able to work closely with Emerge to help your leaders match their earned position.
Their promise:
- We explain the change in organizational expectations
- We discuss the positive and negative leadership behaviors and the extending impact
- We teach the importance of leadership accountability
- We highlight how a new approach to the work can influence leadership
- We identify ways to overcome key transitional obstacles
Working within your existing corporate structure they provide process for leaders of any level. So, through these processes, prospective leaders will have the tools and resources needed to meet the new expectations, communicate effectively, build strategic relationships, and grow and develop the future leadership of your organization.
This company stands behind three core principles their interaction with their clients and their employees. Partnering with their clients to understand the needs of their clients, what goals they have, their culture and leadership – Emerge is constantly improving to be the best examples of effective leaders. Additionally, to achieve strategic innovation the research they do provides their clients the latest information and approaches in regards to developing leaders at all levels
What’s really great is that Emerge notices that each leader has unique needs. That’s why they provide their clients with workshops best suited to their specific needs. These workshops are sure to maximize impact to the organization.
Considering all possibilities Emerge works closely with their clients to identify organizational competencies to ensure that their leaders are performing at their best, producing maximum impact to the organization.
Most companies have acquired a curriculum and being that those curricula remain static, while situations and personnel needs change over time Emerge examines both the clients’ needs, the solutions used to respond to them, as well as newly appearing needs. They then adjust and integrate their products, partner products, or create custom solutions that fully integrate inside their clients’ systems.

Emerge Group Animation
There your have it. A great service provided by Emerge. They will identify key areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. They find it is important to obtain the sponsorship from all levels of organizational leadership. They will address key development needs of organizations, its leaders, and individuals. Using their tools they create incredible power for individual success, at the same time organizations typically realize significant positive developments to key business outcomes, aand finally by assisting organizations they capture and analyze improvements and areas of growth after successful program deployment.
Tell us what you think of the animated explainer video in the comments section below!
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